The Medley

is a twice-a-year literary journal run by the students of Hansraj College, University of Delhi. It is a repository of stories, poems and essays sent to us from around the world since 2018.

General Guidelines

Submissions for issue #9 is closed.

PROSE / ESSAYS : Only 2 pieces at a time, 2500 words maximum
POETRY : Only 3 pieces at a time, no word limit

  1. Prose and poetry should ideally be directly pasted in the body of the email. If your work requires special formatting, you may send it as an attachment, preferably in the form of a word document. PDF files are also acceptable.
  2. All submissions have to be accompanied by a short third-person bio of no more than 100 words, along with a headshot/photograph of the submitter as an attachment.
  3. The category of your work - fiction, non-fiction, poetry - has to be mentioned in the subject of the submission email. Also, state whether your submission is themed or non-themed.
  4. We allow only for previously unpublished works. You can send your entries to We are open to simultaneous submissions (so long as you classify them as such and immediately let us know if they're accepted elsewhere).
  5. The Medley requires First Serial Rights and all archival rights. All rights revert back to the author upon publication.
  6. If your work appears elsewhere in print or online, please give due credit to The Medley as the place where your work first appeared.
  7. For any queries, you can email us at We try to respond to submissions within 4-8 weeks of receiving them. If you do not hear from us till then, you can drop us an email at the above-mentioned address.

Wishing you the best,
The Medley Team