All night I dreamed you, or think I did, color turned black-and-white cool, fall, you working our garden, or so it seemed, lingering over desert fern, Balsam root Asian transplant, lilac patch never quite taken, bruised blue rhubarb, until fall, on waking, wore itself out, flora-cum-frost, season never tough enough to stay the course, you past a day.

GTimothy Gordon
Dream Wind was published 2020 (Spirit-of-the-Ram P), Ground of This Blue Earth (Mellen), while Everything Speaking Chinese was awarded Riverstone P Prize (AZ). Work appears in AGNI, American Literary R, Cincinnati P, Mississippi R, New York Q, Phoebe, RHINO, Texas Observer, among others. Recognitions include several Pushcart nominations. EMPTY HEAVEN/EMPTY EARTH, will be published November-December 2022.
Gordon divides lives between Southeast Asia and the Southwest Sonoran Desert Organ Mountains.
Gordon divides lives between Southeast Asia and the Southwest Sonoran Desert Organ Mountains.