Weepy Movie
I must admit that, at the end of the movie, my eyes moistened behind my glasses. I didn’t want my wife to see. So I surreptitiously made out to scratch my chin while, at the same time, nudged my fingers a little higher so that they wiped away as much of the tears as they could. I risked a glimpse in her direction and figured her eyes must have been watching a different film because they were as dry as the Kalahari. She said she saw the film as manipulative. But, then again, I love poetry. I appreciate a good manipulation.
John Grey
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Sheepshead Review, Stand, Poetry Salzburg Review and Hollins Critic. Latest books, “Leaves On Pages” “Memory Outside The Head” and “Guest Of Myself” are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Ellipsis, Blueline and International Poetry Review.