Editor's Note
The term 'Layers' embodies the multiplicity and multi-dimensionality of human existence, experience, and expression. It represents the depth, dynamism, flexibility, and resilience of human nature. All the skins we adorn and all the thoughts we carry are all nothing but layers that blanket our existence and showcase our potential.
In our previous issue on ‘Fragile’, we explored the strength of fragile things and the resilience developed from persistent struggle. In my view, 'Layers' comes as a natural follow-up, allowing us to explore the ways that we employ to preserve and nurture our fragile selves. As evidenced by the last two years, human beings indeed possess an indomitable spirit, wrapped up in various layers of vulnerability, resilience, fear, triumph and everything that comes in between and beyond. In times of suffering, our many layers become a calloused armour shielding our fragile essence from harm.
Even in the broader global context, the relevance of Layers cannot be understated. The nature of human interaction is changing rapidly—becoming vastly filtered through social media and digital communication. Most people these days have distinct personas on different platforms and mediums, which may or may not be congruent with their offline personalities. Moreover, if indeed our future involves our digital avatars floating around in a metaverse, well, then the layers of our existence will only become more nuanced and diversified.
However, despite a growing consciousness among people to appreciate different identities and experiences, certain societal forces continue to pressure us to stifle some of our layers at the cost of others. In a world still hell-bent on labelling individuals in singular terms, we attempt to celebrate the layered existence that we inhabit and deserve to live.
We are also delighted to speak with Anindita Ghose, reputed author and journalist, for this issue's featured interview. In our interaction, we've discussed her debut novel and tried to gain insight into her creative process.