
Govind Gupta
Govind is melange of fickle passions. As an economics senior at Hansraj, he likes to dwell on the dissonance and foibles of human behavior besides the mathematized mappings of the homo-economicus. He is enthused by his amateurish attempts at drawing parallels from history, literature and psychology. Gulzar and his lyrics lure him the most and he can listen to Yaman Kalyan for hours, even though he can never sing a line in tune. He likes to read and is a perpetual coffee-table-thinker. Occasionally, he dabbles in writing.

Ira Patole
Poetry Editor
Shreyasi is a final year student of English Literature at Hansraj College, University of Delhi. A lover of all things poetry and romanticized, they have been writing for a long as they can remember, and reading for even longer. Underneath the (often complained about) intimidating facade, they are more than ready to sing for you, and read what you write for them. Oh, and they never shut up about their pet black cat.

Mahesh Krishnan
Prose Editor
A sybarite by nature and a person in search for happiness, you can find Mahesh looking at the sunlight streaming through trees or the blue sky or admiring the green leaves. Nature has him in her thrall and he is forever lost in her eternal beauty. Someone who detests ugly urban landscapes, you can find him longingly looking at the strong beams of sunlight and that is something no one can contest.

Sagar Bhattachargee
Staff Supervisor
Sagar Bhattacharjee is an undergraduate student of English Literature at Hansraj College, University of Delhi. He enjoys reading, blowing things up in video games, and playing the violin. Born in Bengal and brought up in Dehradun, he has a soft spot for everything that has remotely to do with the mountains or Bengali culture. An inveterate weeb, Sagar would snort the entire nation of Japan if he could. When he isn’t sleeping, he’s generally watching whatever weird stuff YouTube recommends to him (read Cat videos) or desperately trying to catch up with his ever expanding to-be-watched anime pile.

Kizhakoot Devika Babu
Staff Supervisor
Devika is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Zoology from the University of Delhi. An aesthete, she fills her small universe with paints and poems. A lover of portraiture, she finds meditative joy in giving shades to wrinkles, eyes, and smiles. Being one of a twin, Devika has been competitive from birth and enjoys taking up challenges. She believes that the biggest of dreams are small enough to conquer. From travelling the world with her paintings to DNA editing, one day she hopes to have done them all.

Vipriya Anjum
Staff Supervisor
Books, stationery, and coffee fuel Vipriya’s everyday existence, and working towards learning new things adds meaning to it. She loves to listen to rants, recommendations and random playlists alike. Pursuing her graduation in Commerce at Hansraj College, she loves poetry and finance just the same. Finding solace in movies, and her bullet journal, she believes in Virginia Woolf’s quote of being made and remade continually.

Ananya Gaur
Poetry Reader
Ananya is a second-year English major at Hansraj College, Delhi University. She can either be found frowning at news articles or zoned out over a mug of coffee, talking to herself. When not reorganising her playlist for the nth time or scribbling odd verses on scraps of paper, she daydreams about making a dent in her ever-growing pile of unread books. Though she prefers the company of trees and monuments over people, do sit with her for a conversation about politics, literature and climate change.

Amandeep Bage
Poetry Reader
Amandeep Bage is a fresher at Hansraj College, studying English Literature. Born and brought up in Bokaro, Jharkhand, he is a gaming enthusiast who also loves to capture his thoughts, either using a pen, a lens or some colours. He can be found humming a random song from the anime he recently watched. He’s someone who shouldn’t be left in a stationery shop unsupervised. Someone who loves long walks in the evening and a selenophile at heart - if you see someone taking a walk on the road while staring at the night sky, that would be him.

Bhavya Tiwari
Poetry Reader and Web Designer
Bhavya is currently majoring in Economics from Delhi University. Having spent her childhood in a variety of beautiful places, she has developed an appreciation for diverse cultures. She plays the guitar and loves listening to Lorde and Lana. Bhavya often finds herself to be a misfit in today’s world, and wonders if it would’ve been more appropriate had she been born in some other era.

Ifra Fatima
Prose Reader
This ambivert (often more of an introvert) person is pursuing English hons. from the University of Delhi. Her aesthete self absolutely adores everything natural in general and butterflies in particular. She finds her haven in BTS, books and music. Lyrics by Gulzar and Javed Akhtar, and melodies by Ali Sethi, Kaavish and Before You Exit are at the top of her list of suggestions; that’s often where she derives inspiration for her writings from. She is an enthusiast of new forms of writing (currently experimenting with ghazals and Japanese forms). She is one of those whose to-read list knows no bounds and has supposedly sworn never to get shorter. Enid Blyton is one of the first authors she developed a liking for. Her hometown Lucknow and its culture run through her veins, thus explanatory of her love for kites, minarets, street-food, pigeon-flying and “tehzeeb”.

Sukanya Singh
Prose Reader
Sukanya is pursuing her undergraduate degree in Zoology and loves to geek out over topics with those who will listen. She is a dreamer at heart and carries a part of nature within her soul. Music and writing are her pick-me-ups in turbulent times. You can find her catching up on sleep, reading or obsessing over the ongoing figure skating season.

Saman Jawaid
Prose Reader
Saman is a first-year English literature student. She is your usual girl-next-door with a head full of stories and eyes sparkling with far-fetched dreams. She is a caffeine-addicted, dark academia enthusiast, sleep-deprived, socially inept fangirl. She can’t initiate conversations with strangers and she hates wearing bright colours. She is an admirer of good books, indie music, dark chocolates, Van Gogh’s art, to-do lists, and faux calligraphy. When she is not daydreaming, Saman can be found binge-watching YouTube videos or trying to click aesthetic pictures for her art Instagram account.
The Medley is the bi-annual journal of Ostraca - The Creative Writing Society of Hansraj College, University of Delhi.