Essential Vocabulary for Transfolk
Cisbitch fibrosis: extremely common societal illness defined by mucilaginous male gender roles that prevent the oxygenation of feminine progress.
Entraptured: when you blame a trans person for your attraction to them.
Gendergetics: the non-linear flux in the expression of personal power.
Non-whinary: when transfolk don’t have to process your gender journey for you.
Queernobyl: internalized toxic misogyny in queer culture.
Trancestors: we are each the legacy of one another
Transanity: When you become mentally ill because they label you so.
Transciousness: transgender consciousness.
Transmission: your life’s work, what you are here to broadcast.
Transgression: states of gender non-conforming rage.
Transilience: continuing to transition despite being harassed on the daily.
Transist: resisting patriarchal culture simply by existing as a trans person.
Transjectory: A personal customized timeline of how YOU want to transition or not
Transogynist: Having an ingrained hatred for transfolk.
Transphobia: the currency of ciswomen of all races who wish to sustain what little power their men afford them in society.
Transpho-be-a-hero: The accolades you get for doing the bare minimum to keep transgirls from being murdered or evicted.
Transpirational: When you are overwhelmed with love for your sisters.
Transvivor: what you are for making it this far.
Transwering machine: for when you are just absolutely not here right now.
Tranthem: Corny queer songs to try to get people to stop being violent towards us.
Tranthropologist: How you feel dusting off old traumas buried in one of your personalities. Mental illness doesn’t disqualify gender.
Traumammoth: A large trauma fossil. May require professional help, that’s normal!
Traumical: when you learn to laugh and cry. you need them both to hea