
Smriti Verma
Smriti Verma grew up in Delhi, India, where she studies English Literature at the University of Delhi. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in The Adroit Journal, Coldnoon, B O D Y, Cleaver Magazine, Word Riot, Open Road Review, Alexandria Quarterly, Yellow Chair Review, and The Four Quarters Magazine . She is the recipient of the 2015 Save The Earth Poetry Prize and enjoys working as a Poetry Editor for Inklette, Copy Editor for The Brown Orient and Poetry Reader for The Blueshift Journal. Her interests include film, literature and creative writing.

Areeb Ahmad
Areeb Ahmad is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in English Literature from Delhi University. Although he is an eclectic bookworm, he swears by all things SFF with Erikson as God and Malazan as Gospel. He is currently interning as an associate member for Feeding India, a non-profit organisation which primarily redistributes extra leftover food acquired through donations to the needy. Areeb has been writing since he was in sixth grade and would really like to finally finish working on a book of his own one of these days. He can be found desperately searching for book deals and rapidly accumulating his TBR pile.

Srishti Gupta
Prose Reader
Srishti Gupta is currently in her final year of an undergraduate degree in Literature from Hansraj College, University of Delhi. She is also the President of the English Literary Society of her college. She works as a freelance content developer and editor for Rubric Publications. She likes to read contemporary fiction in her spare time, and has a soft corner for South Asian literature. She also dabbles in Urdu poetry and writes far less often than she would like to.

Prashant Chaudhary
Prose Reader
A Physics undergraduate student at Delhi University, Ira is an ardent reader and a crazy chocolate lover with a yearning to explore new facets of life. She has a genuine interest in exploring cultures around her and believes that people are beautiful. Ira’s favourite de-stressers are baking and watching cheesy action movies. Her favourite pastime is scouring the internet for all the wonderful online courses she wants to do and then never opening those bookmarked pages again.

Satyam Srivastava
Prose Reader
Satyam Srivastava is a second-year Chemistry student at Hansraj College, University of Delhi. Like many of us, he started writing poems for his high-school crush. After an expected failure there, he moved on to different themes and other ideas. He is a sports enthusiast and practices air-rifle shooting at an amateur level. His prime interests lie in literature, music, and spirituality. Lately he has also developed a liking for Hollywood movies and binges on them frequently.

Govind Gupta
Prose Reader
Majoring in economics, Govind is a melange of fickle passions. With his childhood sheltered in Kolkata, he never gets over his love for the life of that city even though he spent his adolescence in Bokaro and is now residing in the national capital. Gulzar and his lyrics lure him the most and he can listen to Yaman Kalyan for hours, even though he can never sing a line in tune. Govind loves the company of himself and watches doggo videos on Instagram. Narcissist? Not quite.

Sanghmitra Jethwani
Poetry Reader
Sanghmitra Jethwani is a third-year English Literature student at Hansraj College, Delhi University. On most days, she tries to capture the tales recited by the streets of Delhi through her lens, to find stories and faces that have been buried for too long. On others, she attempts to find the meaning of life in between the lines of Urdu poetry, believing one day she eventually will. She revels in her constant confusion, grappling with new ideas while listening to old Bollywood songs.

Soumya Vats
Poetry Reader
Soumya Vats is a second-year English Literature student. She has worked as a Content Writer and Editor for SoDelhi and Web Content Manager for Kiran Nadar Museum of Art. She has completed Literature and Experimental Writing courses from Brown University and University College of London and is now trying her hand at Spoken Word Poetry. Soumya’s knack for conspiracy theories and true crime makes her an aspiring crime documentary maker. For now, she delights in the art of everyday storytelling.

Sarthak Kwatra
Poetry Reader
Bukowski says, “You won’t see him often, for wherever the crowd is, he is not.” Sarthak is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Economics from Hansraj College, University of Delhi. He is a self-proclaimed musical snob, a coffee aficionado and a gamer. He is into poetry (evidently) and seeks art, cine and music as inspiration. Sarthak is often desperately holding onto memories for ‘a lifetime in repeat.’ He is a featured photographer at Unsplash and he’s never not wearing headphones.

Vidushi Arya
Poetry Reader
Vidushi Arya is a first-year student of Commerce at Hansraj College. Of the few things which are absolutely necessary for a happy life, she considers coffee, reading, music and heart-to-heart conversations the basic requirements. With a love for words and colours that go beyond the horizon, she spends her days trying to match balance sheets and memorising lyrics of her favourite pop songs. She firmly believes that a long walk can solve more problems than a heated discussion.

Alok Prateek
Web Designer
Alok Prateek is an engineering undergraduate from Greater Noida and is currently an intern with RIL Jio. Born and brought up in Noida, he is an alumni of Delhi Public School and JNU. As the son of an editor, he had access to books in abundance and enjoys the fantasy worlds of Tolkien, Sapkowski, Pratchett and Erikson. When he’s not coding or pushing pixels, you can find him taking his dog, Zoe, for a walk in the park.
The Medley is the bi-annual journal of Ostraca - The Creative Writing Society of Hansraj College, University of Delhi.